I am having a hard time diagnosing my poor Betta fish named Kai. I haven't had him for very long and he looks very sick. The scales on head have lost colour and a few are slightly raised but he is not bloated or lethargic. In the middle of his caudal fin has a spot that has turned white in the same area on both sides. He has a brown/grey lump behind his mouth and his actual mouth is deformed, almost looks crooked. Despite the difficulty eating, he is determined to eat and eats all his food. Normal weight. He is still very friendly and swimming around, interested in what I’m doing ALWAYS! :). He is currently recovering from fin rot and new fin growth is visible. He was recently treated with API aquarium Salt and that showed no results so I treated him with API Fungus Cure. He has a heater (temp 25 celcius), air pump on low, and a filter. He is currently in a 2.5 g hospital tank with no gravel and only a small plastic plant. I plan on putting him back in his 5 g tank when he is better. GH= 120, KH= 120, pH= 7.5, NO2= 0, NO3= 20. I’d share a picture but the camera on my phone isn’t very good. Please help! :(
